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  Project Marketed By
  Catalyst Properties
Cedilla Group of Companies,
Cedilla House,#10,
Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai,
9th Street, Chennai - 600 004.
An extraordinary residential concept, Venus Riviera offers you a welcome respite from the noise, traffic, pollution and stress of everyday living. with four different captivating villa types of choose from , this one-of –a- kind development presents the luxury of owning your own private fully furnished , Independent home , at the cost of buying an apartment . That too at a short distance from the city…. Surrounded by an alluring collection of superior lifestyle amenities…. Free maintenance for 2 years…. And opulently furnished plush interiors that are finished to the highest standards…. Making Venus Riviera an intensely desirable and lucrative real estate asset. Securely gated and extremely private, Venus Riviera is a natural sanctuary of exceptional beauty where the main activity is simply relaxing in its remarkable atmosphere of peace and tranquility. However, for those more purposeful in nature , an invigorating selection of leisure options are available with in attractively laid –out exteriors.