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  Catalyst Properties
Cedilla Group of Companies,
Cedilla House,#10,
Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai,
9th Street, Chennai - 600 004.
The Riviera Island stands enchantingly over the riverbed of the Palar River and is further surrounded by the rapturous scenic beauty of Vayalur. Not far away from the I Highway on OMR, these idyllic settings are alluringly close to sandy beaches as well. Beat the deterioration and stress of a metropolitan life, without giving up on a single convenience – here at the Riverview Island.
Distance Indicator
  • OMR : 14 kms
  • ECR : 2.5 kms
  • From Mahabalipuram : 18 kms
  • From kalpakkam : 8 kms
  • From Airport : 50 kms