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  Landmark Homes
D-1, Casa Lavelle-1, Lavelle Road Cross,
Bengaluru 560 001
One of the distinguishing features of Landmark Homes is that it takes you away from the concrete jungle and affords you a soul-uplifting view of Nature in all its beauty. Look to the horizon and enjoy a beautiful sunset every day and let the cool breeze of the Singapura lake gently caress you.

You can safely leave all the cares and irritations of the city behind and let your spirit relax.

The property is set against the backdrop of the Singapura Lake with a softly sloping hill adjacent to the lake – a rare sight for other metro dwellers but a daily object of splendor for Landmark Homes residents!

Nature weaves her way into our community where you can repose in the comfort of landscaped gardens and courtyards, with quaint terrace gardens in select units.


With your active lifestyle we thought you could do with a little help. So, we have made all the conveniences - groceries, vegetables and milk – available right within the premises of Landmark Homes! Each block has its own laundry service and each apartment comes with intercom connectivity points.

To attend to any health problems a medical clinic has been provided right next door.

When you are pressed for time you can even order a family meal from the cafeteria that caters exclusively to residents.

Ample space has been allocated for parking slots. We’ve even planned to put in a wash bay for cars.

Landmark Homes has a comfortable visitors’ lounge at the Club, and, if your guests choose, they can even stay over at the rooms that have been provided. .