Transition from college to workplace

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 11 August 2011, 22:42 IST
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College life is one of the most beautiful phases of everyone's life. But once we start our career many people find it difficult to adjust with their first job. The transition from college student to working professional affects almost all aspects of one's life. We cannot bunk our board meetings as we used to do in our classes before. You cannot choose not to go for an office meeting just because you don't feel like. Not only one has to adapt at work, but also have to adapt to the new life outside of work. Here are some tips to adjust with it Learn to manage your finances
As soon as you get a job, the privilege of enjoying the financial support from your family will diminish. So it's high time for you to plan for your savings and as well as budget wisely. Make a list of your monthly budget and spend according to that. Once you learn how to manage your money, it will enable you to live comfortably.

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