What Do You Work For, Money or Passion?

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 30 November 2011, 00:04 IST   |    16 Comments
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So, why many people work only for money?

Money is the most basic factor for survival and most of us are selfish when it comes to money. Basic instinct of a human being in today’s world is to survive and that cannot be done without vitamin M. There is no harm in saying that you work only for money. In fact, very few people are so talented that even if they have no satisfaction in their job they can survive for the money they get and there is nothing wrong in that. But money drives you only to a certain point of time. Once you reach the saturation point, you will always look for peace and self satisfaction in your job.

Other than the people who work only for money there are many people who work for self-expression. There cannot be a perfect place other than workplace to show our best qualities. Sometimes people work because they love doing their work and they simply like. And these people are called as workaholics. These kinds of people like to be busy all the time. Some people’s job describes their life priority. For them more than anything else their job is more valuable.

So, keeping all these facts in mind, we can make a conclusion that people work for many reasons and money is just a part of it. However, whenever we ask this question to people, most of them have the only answer that they work for money more than passion. So, what do you work for?