What Do You Work For, Money or Passion?

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 30 November 2011, 00:02 IST   |    16 Comments
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The passion makes far easier to navigate the hurdles that come between you and money. We know that for a fact that we just cannot be mindless on the work we do everyday of our life. Passion towards your makes you think creatively and help you find solutions. Also innovation will be the key criteria when you work with all your heart and soul.

We must love and find passion in the work we do because every time we work to contribute something back to the society. We must work to build relationships, infrastructure etc. We must not just work worthless for money. We must start working in the hope that we can find and give something best out of it. If we work harder we make ourselves more knowledgeable and it will help us to progress forward in the future. And the fact is that we can be financially successful when we progress to higher positions in our work and for that progression we must start enjoying our work.  

Money is not the only motivation to work. There are many professions like teachers, workers at NGOs to serve the society who don’t really work for money. Most of them in such professions find pleasure in the work that they do and makes them feel that they are contributing something to the society.