Technology Duds of Past and Present

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 30 January 2012, 14:58 IST
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Bangalore: Technology changes world, empowers human existence and touches life. Constant discoveries and inventions have injected our lifestyle with so many more possibilities. Sometimes products and ideas launched with an intention to provide breakthroughs in technology do not fair as expected. Being ahead of time or not meeting the intended objective reasons being innumerable, at the end of the day, never lived too long or were nipped at the bud. So below is a list of ten technologies that took the world by storm and did not make enough money or satisfy hungry consumers or just phased out due to lack of publicity.

11. Apple Newton (MessagePad)

Priced at $700 in 1993 this personal digital assistant running on Newton OS was a little ahead of time and full of flaws, and Steve Jobs decided to kill it first on his return in 1998. The Newton OS could recognize a user’s handwriting and transcribe it into digital text. An amazing idea, but terrible implementation was responsible for its death.

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