Job Trends in Technology See Rapid Growth

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 30 January 2012, 22:55 IST   |    1 Comments
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The head of hiring at LinkedIn, Brendan Browne, reportedly said the firm wanted each new hire to be an entrepreneur. The head of Human Resources and recruiting efforts at Facebook, Lori Goler said the social media network was looking out for the “college student who built a company on the side, or an iPhone app over the weekend.”Acquity’s info-graphic backed Goler’s statement-- Most opportunities are mushrooming for mobile app developers, data warehouse analysts, and user experience designers.

NOVA, a local work force investment board director, released a survey of HR directors in July last year. Kris Stadelman, a director at NOVA noted that in her experience, “Especially in social media, cloud computing and mobile apps, if you’re over 40 you’re perceived to be over the hill.”

However, there is hope for those who re-tool their skills, minus branding, especially if techies have made a number of years at a particular firm. Goler, Facebook’s HR executive emphasizes this fact, saying “If you’ve built great things before, you can build great things again.”