Job Trends in Technology See Rapid Growth

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 30 January 2012, 22:53 IST   |    1 Comments
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In a report by the New York Times though, a number of technology veterans with more than a decade of experience and advanced engineering degrees are facing unemployment. According to Massimo Sutera, a microprocessor engineer aged 45; the job scene is “not the same as it was years ago”. Sutera found himself unemployed when his firm, the Zoran Corporation (which made video chips) was acquired by another British company C.S.R. The British firm cut back on its Silicon Valley operations, and discontinued its investment in digital TV integrated systems. Semiconductor manufacturers, like Zoran have lost about 4,600 jobs since 2008.

According to the report, Russell Hancock, the president and CEO of Joint Silicon Valley, a research group, noted “The pace of change is just breathtaking. We’ve entered a strange new world. There are opportunities, but they are different,” he said “You have to be edgy and super-creative.”