Is Your Boss A Gossip Monger?

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 24 October 2011, 22:13 IST   |    17 Comments
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How do you avoid a gossip monger boss? This type of boss also makes fun of his team to other department's managers and discusses about employees different issues. The gossip monger boss ask other people to keep a track on his employees behavior and what they do, with whom they are talking and what they are up to. Try avoiding personal conversation with such bosses and if he asks you about your colleague and their personal life, try to change the subject from people to positive things. Let your boss know in the first few minutes of gossiping that you're not interested. Many a times, the boss shifts the blame to you or other staff whenever results fail to come in or something goes wrong but they take credit of good results. This type of boss is not only insecure but a master manipulator. Moreover they even try to use his or her authority to torment subordinates. They sometimes simply enjoy the sufferings that one employee is going through. But some simply enjoy it. Do you have a gossip monger boss too? If yes, then please share with us about your experience with your boss.