Is Your Boss A Gossip Monger?

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 24 October 2011, 22:13 IST   |    17 Comments
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His insecurity to know what you think about him Every boss has a wish to read his employees mind. Some do it through their exceptional speaking skills and get their employees to speak and some have the gossip way to get it out of them. Your boss takes you out for lunch and asks questions about your team and teammates. He tries to know what happens in the office if he is not around and what the employees think about him. This proves that these types of bosses are insecure about their management skills and they enquire about the employees not because they want to improve their skills, but they just want to know, so that he can harass the employees later. Gossips with other department managers How many managers from other departments know what is happening in your department? Of course there can be some unfaithful colleagues of yours who would have burped out but your boss can be no less. 30 percent of the bosses are said to gossip with other department managers letting out their department secrets and problems either to find solutions, simply gossip or to make fun of his employees.