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Patience Goes A Long Way

patience, rome was not built in a day, stress, burnout‘Rome was not built in a day,’ goes a famous saying. It takes a great deal of patience and perseverance for entrepreneurs to ensure the success of their startups. Entrepreneurs have a grueling time with their competitors, the consumer demands, the government policies, and so on. They might not be able to gather the required resources, the talent pool, they might have a tough time finding the investors; all this would be huge task if the entrepreneur is unable to maintain his cool. Many a startups operate in a stealth mode and wait for the right time to launch bang on. It takes a long time for a startup to break even. Entrepreneurs have wait till the venture starts generating profits. Not only does the entrepreneur have to ensure that the venture fares well, but he also has to ensure that his team is motivated even during tough times. The key is to have enough patience to wait for the right time, even when the waves are rough. Maintaining your cool when things flare up would help you be level headed and see beyond the obvious. Fretting and fuming about failures, or things that didn’t turn out the way you want to would just burn your bold and stress you out. Thus, being patient would go a long way in not only reducing the stress level, but also de-cluttering your mind to think of feasible solutions.