Dreams Won't Cut It!

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A Social Animal

work hard party harder, party, socila animal, dosco, tangoYou decide to build a successful empire, and you give up on everything else to make sure that the business grows. But 20 years after you reach the pinnacle, you realize that all you have is your money and the name of the company, sans any friends or family. Sounds scary? It is generally said that entrepreneurs lack a social life. They are too busy deciding the strategies, marketing plans, budgets, that they miss out on the main essence of life. They should find a way to strike a balance between their professional and personal life. They should be able to take out time for their family, go for vacation, focus on their hobbies, attend parties, and so on. Being a geek would not help, as it might start taking a toll on your life and your health. Though in the initial years of a startup, you might not be able to work on fixed hours, but you should try to find time for other things also.