The Art of Choosing the Right Financial Advisor

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 21 November 2011, 21:32 IST
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Here are some questions you must ask to a financial advisor to understand whether he scores well on the above two requirements:
The Art of Choosing the Right Financial Advisor
* Why are you in this business? * Do you believe in the short term, and do you use market timing? (A 'yes' response to either of the last two questions is a 'no' signal to you.) * Do you focus solely on asset management, or do you also advise on taxes, retirement planning, debt management, and insurance? * How do your education and experience qualify you to give advice in those areas? * How do you choose investments? What investing approach do you believe is most successful? * What's your interest in recommending this investment to me? * Have you bought this investment in your personal account? If not, why are you recommending it to me? * Can you offer some proof of your investing success for your clients? * What do you do when an investment performs poorly for an entire year? (Any advisor who answers 'Sell' is not worth hiring.) * Do you, when recommending investments, accept any compensation from any third party? If yes, under which circumstances? * Do you consider yourself financially successful? Why? How do you define financial success? * How high an average annual return do you think is feasible on my investments? (Anything more than 10-15% is unrealistic.) * Will you provide me with your resume, and at least three references?