The Art of Choosing the Right Financial Advisor

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 21 November 2011, 21:32 IST
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Bangalore: "Most security buyers obtain advice without paying for it specifically. It stands to reason, therefore, that in the majority of cases they are not entitled to and should not expect better than average results. They should be wary of all persons, whether customers- brokers or security salesmen, who promise spectacular income or profits." - Benjamin Graham These words from one of the most successful investors who ever lived and one who remains the most influential investment thinker of all time, is a telling statement on the way an investor must go about identifying the right financial advisor. Especially in the wake of numerous scams and acts of greed that have hurt investors in the past, it is of great importance that you be very careful while choosing a financial advisor for yourself. While there are no clear cut standards of doing so, I will suggest some points to be kept in mind, and some questions to be asked, which will help you in making a good, well thought-out decision. Let's get started right here. How To Choose The Right Financial Advisor
The Art of Choosing the Right Financial Advisor
Many investors take comfort from the experience and second opinion that a good financial advisor can provide. The right advice can give just the psychological boost you need to keep investing sensibly at a time when other investors are losing their heads. While looking for the right financial advisor for yourself, you should have the following two goals: 1. To determine whether he cares about helping you or just goes through the motions; 2. To establish whether he understands the fundamental principles of investing and is sufficiently educated, trained and experienced to help you.

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