Men Buy More Insurance Online than Women

The study reveals that residents of metro cities showed more concern about their vehicles and autos when compared to residents of non-metro cities. When it comes to auto insurance bought online, 71.4 percent of seekers are from the metro cities. Health insurance is another major deal online and 63 percent of online insurance seekers are from the metro cities.

The key thing to note here is that people belonging to smaller cities and towns have a bend towards getting other types of insurance, like – property. People belonging to smaller cities and towns accounted for nearly 78 percent of the total traffic, while only a mere 18.5 percent of people belong to the metro cities.

In addition, people belonging to the age-group of 25-40 are more active in seeking online insurance. This age group prefers buying health and life insurance, while those belonging to 20-25 years opted for auto insurance.