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Advice Request
Harish Lakshmana
Harish Lakshmana

Harish Lakshmana

Software Engineer

AgilePoint India

Brief description about me
I am a Computer Science Engineer(BE), i work as a Software Engineer at AgilePoint India. My life is filled with everything, there is never a no or impossible for my side. May not be now but definitely someday.
Important decision
To keep things away from personal, i can say making decision to Leave TechMahindra even though i had no job offers in hand was a daring move. I wanted to see where does my confidence take me. How much dedicated can i go when the pressure of Unemployment falls on me. It was experiment that i came up after watching the The Dark Knight Rises Movie.
[Fear the death, loose the rope then you can climb out of the Pit.]
My strongest skill
I keep it simple, "Don't waste time" , "I am also one among Responsible for all things" , "Status is not symbol of life".
Influenced by
It can never come to one or few person. Going to exam a strange kid has made me laugh and relaxed me. Government provided facilities for students which meant most to me. After long office hours YouTube has made a comedy clip available to me for relaxing. many more... Everyone has played part in my life.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Around me it's either "your thoughts give aspiration and confidence in people which grows in number and you become a leader of a group" or a "Group already exists and you get well-versed in their Principles and become a leader of that group".

So it has to be both, constantly keep evolving towards which is better.
Ensuring success
Following the regular, don't be idle. Keep on exploring, book cannot be judged by its cover but energy in life is for short span cannot read all books and decide was it required for me to read it at this moment. So need to make some time and at -least read the covers. Some magazines, web portal like SiliconIndia does put some good head lines will give more idea on content. So it help to lay eyes on many things.
Couple of years from now
I am still 25, so i have an education plan.
My role model
I have lot of people whom i adore for there behavior mainly my best friends they know me better and keep reminding me what i am. I do not see any world wide well know as actual model but i do respect and have learnt from many.
My achievements
Friends are my greatest achievements. I can crack my head, sit for day& night and solve a problem or Clear toughest exam but cannot get a friend from heart.
Important lesson learned
If someone press a sharp needle to your skin it hurts but if you are on bed for Acupuncture things change. There are always different views it's us who choose what to see.
My family background
Working Middle class People with lot of aspirations.
Initiative to develop a country
Stop running behind Money and Concentrate on Knowledge. Lakh's of people get into Professional Courses with the aim to become professional suited for job to earn. A nice package from multi-national company will put the option of Double Degree to dustbin.

One things i was luck was 90% of my friends felt the same that "Our BE degree had prepared us much better".
Thoughts on Education system of our country
My education if from Bangalore, from Nursery to BE. My time was better that current Children. I see that today's babies prescription includes a lot of baby dosage medicines which says better brain for a child, better growth.

But the Education is going a way lot easier. I remember my fingers in pain after writing a theory exam. Now the things have change.

Today's Education system is preparing the younger for a better professionals for job than a better person for a country.

How to do self evaluation is out of question, it's important to have self confidence but a adamant attitude of themselves as superior is not acceptable.
An easy example is in India if another country bowler bowls a best wicket does not get appreciated. Of-course we are patriotic but Cricket stadium is only place where Cricket-ism can be experienced. Our Education should system should handle these behaviors.

Education system should be more that just preparing Book worms.
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