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Advice Request
Rajat Maheshwari
Rajat Maheshwari

Rajat Maheshwari

Sales Consultant


Blogs (1)

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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I come from a middle class family. My father is a businessmen and mother a housewife.
Career Profile:
Currently I am working as a Module Lead in IBM and handle a team of four in java and perl technology.
Degrees That Matter:
I got my Bachelors in Engineering in Electronics and Communication and want to pursue MBA in Operations going forward.
Done Differently:
I have thought about it a lot and I would definitely like to begin my career differently had I been given a chance. I would hone and develop my skills by joining a small company because the mid-sized and the giants take a lot away from you as far as learning is concerned.
Plans For The Future:
I've already started moving away from the normal chores of IT industry and trying to establish a company of my own. I want to run my own company two years down the line.
Growth Strategy:
Being a part of lot of social initiatives and taking key roles at work place help me grow.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
My short tenure at Teach For India is something that I am proud of being a part of.
Advice For New Professionals:
Never let the work rule your life, learn continuously as learning is the key to success.
The Journey So Far:
It was quite a tumultuous journey so far. As I moved ahead I have found how Indian IT sector is in clutches of corporate dalals and the future looks quite bleak if such trend continuous.
Role Model:
My role model is Ayn Rand. Her work in literature and philosophy has guided me in my life and career,
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