Young Indians Practice Unsafe Pre-Marital Sex

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 30 January 2012, 15:09 IST   |    16 Comments
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It was also noted that for people in risk groups, like prostitutes, the condoms are easier to get hold of. An unmarried boy from Bihar said “The sex worker gave me condoms herself.” "She told me that there are chances of getting some disease if I don't use them... I didn't take any precaution with my girlfriend, as nothing happens when we do it just once or twice,” as reported by

On the contrary for many people, getting hold of condoms is the problem. A young married man from Tamil Nadu was quoted saying “In our village, we don't have condoms,". "I can't buy them from outside. As a precaution, I take a bath after having sex." It's a measure which would help him smell nicer, of course, but not protect him from any sexually transmitted diseases.

The study suggested that even if condoms are on sale, it doesn't mean people feel comfortable about buying them. People often know very little about the risks of STDs just like the guy who bathes to make up for the lack of condoms.

An unmarried woman from Bihar admits "I never thought of infections. Which disease can one get by engaging in sex?"