Will the Rise of India And China Spell Trouble for U.S.?

Why does rising power of India and China propose a danger to U.S.? Andrew says that the authors are of the opinion that India is a democracy just like the U.S. and because it has a strategic rivalry with China, therefore India is likely to emerge as a national ally to U.S. and China as a national challenger. Further there are a range of issues, for instance voting, trade and investment regime, militaries, etc. Both the countries are engaged in territorial disputes as well, China with Taiwan, and India with Kashmir, which can affect foreign policy which might not be in U.S. interests. China doesn’t want outsiders to interfere with those particular disputes. Both the countries pursue a common agenda at the U.N. and other security bodies.

The authors argue that on many issues of key concern to Washington, from trade and investment to Iran and arms proliferation, India’s view of the view of the world is strikingly similar to that of China.

The original objective of their book is to understand what rising Chinese and Indian power means for U.S. interests. There’s an impression that China is emerging as an inevitable challenger and potential enemy, and India is emerging as a natural ally.