Why Women in India Dipping Out of Workforce?

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 14 October 2011, 00:40 IST   |    3 Comments
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The woman workforce in India totals to less than 25 percent, which is below the national female labour-force participation ratio of 29 percent as calculated in 2010. Women are excellent representatives at junior level, not that great at middle level and least impressive at the senior level. India is rated as the worst performer among all the Asian countries in regard to percentage of woman at junior and middle level, whereas Hong Kong and China is the best performer of the lot. But at senior level, India is slightly better than Japan, though below Malaysia, the top performer.
drop out
Therefore, India tops the chart with biggest percentage of woman dropping out of workforce, recognized as "leaking pipeline" amid junior and middle levels. Merely 29 percent of the junior level workforce in Indian companies is women which fell down to 15 percent at middle level and under 10 percent of the workforce at the senior level. Since India has been stagnant in employment creation and shrunken labour force is discouraging workers, both men and woman are withdrawing from the workplace. Noticeably, amid 2004-05 and 2009-10, less than a million new jobs were created regardless of the nation's speedy economic expansion. Thus, India may be distinctive amongst developing countries and features U.S. approach of "jobless growth". Certainly, these statistics do not detain work in the informal sector or unpaid work, such as at home, which is predictable to use a large proportion of women's time in India.