Why is the Boss a Necessary Evil?

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 24 November 2011, 23:58 IST   |    4 Comments
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Imagine you are the boss and you are responsible to handle your subordinates. It is always said that in order to become a successful boss, you need to research why people dislike their boss in all sphere of life. You should understand that the reason of hatred lies in the fear of power that you command as a boss. This fear compels the subordinates to bend before the boss; if they want to get along in life. Therefore, they hate it. The subordinates consider the fact that they cannot do anything about your power over them. The employees avoid encountering you face-to-face as they are scared of the terrible avengement that they might have to face. Hence, they yell behind your back to take out their grudges against you and these grudges always succeed to grab sympathetic ears.

Not even the big boss of the universe is spared from this kind of a dilemma. People start abusing the almighty if something goes wrong in their life and a few go to the extent of threaten the almighty to stop the delivery of the offerings that they usually make. Fortunately the idols cannot reciprocate and therefore, the devotees can easily show their grudge towards. This poses a serious question that when Gods fail to win over every individual, how can you as a boss succeed to win over your subordinates? The author says the answer is yes you can.