Why Formula One in India will be The Biggest Money Churner?

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 19 October 2011, 00:02 IST
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2. Jaypee Group:
Jaypee Group
The Company which built the Formula One circuit called the Budhh International Circuit in Delhi, India. Jaypee Sports International, the company behind the Indian circuit taking place at Greater Noida says all the 55 corporate boxes, each with a price tag ranging between 75 lakh and 1 crore, have been sold. The corporate boxes come with the choicest hospitality, catered by the country's top five-star hotels. It also hosts the Paddock Club for which each member cost is $5,460 ( 2.68 lakh) per person. Paddock Club members will get a real close look of the race pits, walk into the pit lanes and can engage in conversations with team drivers and management.