Why BCCI Hates the New Sports Bill?

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 12 November 2011, 04:08 IST   |    7 Comments
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It's an irrefutable fact that the new sports bill attempts to bring some kind of accountability and transparency to the sports bodies in the country. The bill tries to bring all sporting federations under the Right to Information (RTI) act, provide 25 percent of quota for sport people in sports organizations and puts a tenure and age cap on administrators.
PT Usha
Former sprint queen PT Usha said, "The National Sports Development Bill and its revised version proposed by the Minister of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India is a landmark initiative and has the potential of streamlining National Sports Federations of India including the Indian Olympic Association. It primarily provides for limiting the age and restricting the tenure of its office bearers and bringing them within the ambit of Right to Information Act. It further ensures 25 percent players' representation in their executive bodies with voting rights, enforces international good practices & democratic principles like conducting free, fair & democratic elections by way of secret ballot, setting up of an 'Athlete Advisory Council' and also 'Sports Dispute Settlement & Appellate Tribunal', adhering to international standards in order to curb/abolish doping, age fraud, sexual harassment, amongst others. It is a well prepared legislation aimed at making sports administration responsible, accountable & transparent in its operation." Contrary to the arguments by BCCI and IOA, she feels the autonomy to sports federations will only be expanded with this new bill. "As we understand, this Bill, once enacted will grant much more autonomy to National Sports Federations (NSFs) than now prevalent. By removing the current provision of yearly recognition of National Sports Federations by the Sports Ministry, it will ensure that government and bureaucratic interference is done away with. Moreover, the Bill also addresses the issue of political interference in administration of Federations, which have marred Indian Sports till now," she said.