Why Anna Hazare is Wrong?

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 20 August 2011, 02:49 IST   |    64 Comments
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They argue that the existing institutions such as CBI, CVC and CAG can serve the purpose if they are made more independent. They question the relevance of a Lok Pal at all on the fact that we have never been able to prevent politicization and undermining of the existing government agencies and how a new Lok Pal will be saved from being politicized or undermined?
Will the Jan Lok Pal be safe from being politicized or undermined?
In an interview with CNN-IBN, Co-Founder of Infosys and Chairman of the Unique Identification Authority of India, Nandan Nilekani said the movement should be organized in a much more holistic and strategic manner. "There is a part of corruption that is big ticket corruption, there is a part of it that is retail corruption," he said. Nilekani termed Anna's protest a naive and simplistic one and said the UID will make sure that the common man's PDS is portable so that they can go to any ration shop. "These are basic, fundamental things which will help in making sure that the people have a much more hassle-free relationship with the State." He said the proposed Jan Lok Pal bill is just one of those many things from the government and if we are going to do something about corruption, we have to do it in a much broader manner.