Why Americans Hate California?

It was also recorded that women had a higher opinion of New York by 27 points more than men, Massachusetts by 22 points, Delaware and California by 16 points, New Hampshire by 15 points, Vermont and Illinois by 13 each, and Connecticut by 11. Whereas men saw North Dakota more favorably by 17 points, South Carolina by 15, Wyoming 14, Montana 13, and Iowa and South Dakota by 10 each.

Another interesting finding was that democrats’ favorite states included Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, Washington, Oregon, Vermont, and Colorado and their least favorites were led by Texas, Alabama, and Mississippi.  It was seen that republicans loved Alaska and Texas, and absolutely hated California, followed distantly by Illinois and Massachusetts.  So the greatest prejudiced gap was for California, which Democrats liked 91 points more than Republicans did, followed by Texas, which is favored more by Republicans by 82 points.

Black voters were noted to dislike 10 of the 14 Southern states. It was seen that Illinois was unpopular with Republicans and was likely dragged down in its overall ranking due to its association with Barack Obama.

Public Policy Polling's Dustin Ingalls said "There's not really any sort of discernible pattern," as reported to the Atlantic Wire. He added that "Hawaii makes some sense since it's a popular vacation destination. A lot of Republicans really, really dislike California; they associate it with the liberal Hollywood elite."