What Makes a Great Boss?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 27 December 2011, 02:46 IST   |    4 Comments
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Subject Matter Expert: Also known as domain expert, he is a person who is an expert in his particular area of expertise and has thorough knowledge about it, which also enables him in easy decision making.

Calmness: A good manager always maintains his composure. It means he has a good level of tolerance and doesn’t lose his cool and knows to act appropriately in any given situation.

Constructive Feedback: It is an art of giving a feedback to employees that is encouraging and boosts their morale. It is a positive feedback and helps in the growth of the individual along with the organization.

Team Player: To be a successful manager it is extremely important to be a team player. It means to ensure the team works together and that a team works in peace. One must also ensure that you hold up your end.

To Value Others: It means to ensure the employees are recognized for the good work done by them. They must feel valued and hence, to recognize their abilities and the efforts.

Active Listening: Another important skill that makes a manager effective in his ways is active listening. It gives the employees a sense of feeling that their query is being heard and acknowledged. It also helps in making a communication effective.