What I Learnt From My First Investment

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Trinity Ventures

trinity ventures, Affinity Labs, Loggly, 24/7 Real Media, Act-On Software, Invio Software, Starbucks, 21vianet, trinity ventures“In late 80s, Trinity Ventures was the first investor in Starbucks, which obviously was a very successful investment. The key learning from the investment was to bet on visionary and passionate founders like Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz,” says Ajay Chopra, General Partner, Trinity Ventures. “I joined Trinity in 2006 and my first investment as a Trinity partner was a data center company in China called 21vianet. 21vianet completed its IPO successfully in April 2011. It is NASDAQ listed under the symbol VNET. Key learning from the investment was that business models that have been successful in the US (in this case data centers) translate rather nicely to the fast emerging markets such as China,” says Chopra.

Founded in 1986, Trinity Ventures is a boutique early-stage venture firm with focus on seed and early stage companies in targeted technology categories. Its portfolio companies include Affinity Labs, Loggly, 24/7 Real Media, Act-On Software, Invio Software, and many others.