What All Indians Watched in 2011

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 25 January 2012, 01:18 IST   |    1 Comments
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what all indians watch in 2011
The broadcasting actions can also be the reason for the shift. For example there were only three Marathi channels in 2006 with a total share of viewership at 2.9 percent. But now there are 10 channels with a total share of viewing time of 4.64 percent. Channels like Marathi, English entertainment are getting more viewers. A research by TAM Media Research for Business Standard shows that Chennai sleeps early so spends less time on TV, while Kolkata has the higher proportion of older people, so they have enough time in hand to brood in front of TV. Bangalore, which is a mix of many states is obsessed with Hindi making serials a great hit. Bangloreans are keen about watching Kannada show, followed by Tamil at a enormous 20 percent of viewership share with Telugu and Hindi following. Viewers in Mumbai are more into Marathi and Hindi shows. Viewers in Chennai spent 161 minutes a day watching television, way higher than any of the other metros, 1.5 percent of the total viewing time is dedicated to Malayalam as a language, indicating the presence of Malayali population. The biggest question that pops out is, in this busy age when people don't have enough time for radios and iPods, what attracts them to music channels? Well it could be the non-musical shows on air these days like Roadies, Splitsvilla on MTV etc. seven music channels in various languages were launched in India in 2011.