Shining women in Indian freedom movement

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 12 August 2011, 19:31 IST
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Women have always played an important part in India's independence struggle. The history of Indian Freedom Struggle would be incomplete without mentioning the contributions made by them. When we see the entire history of freedom movement, it is filled with their bravery and sacrifices. Their participation in India's freedom struggle began as early as in 1817. In early 19th century, Rani Laksmi Bai, Rani Channama of Kittur, Rani Begam Hazrat Mahal of Avadh fought against British East India Company, which is 30 years before the first war of Independence 1857. Their leadership can be the best example of patriotism. Sarojini Naidu
She was the Indian independence activist and also she was known by The Nightingale of India. She was elected to the presidentship Indian National Congress. She was active in the Indian Independence Movement, joining Mahatma Gandhi in the Salt March to Dandi, and then leading the Dharasana Satyagraha after the arrests of Gandhi, Abbas Tyabji, and Kasturba Gandhi. Moreover she was fully devoted herself to emancipation of women, education, Hindu-Muslim unity etc. She became a follower of Gandhiji and accompanied him to England.

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