Was it a Slap on Politicians or Democracy?

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 26 November 2011, 02:41 IST   |    27 Comments
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The incident was repeated again, but this time the convict was Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari. A youngster in London flanged a shoe towards him, but it didn’t hit the target. The incident was no less than national shame for Pakistan. Omar Abdullah, Chief Minister of Srinagar, recorded his name in the list on Independence Day in 2010, when a shoe hurled upon him. But Abdullah was lucky enough as the brown leather shoe missed to touch him.

The shoe story seems to have no end; Parvez Musharaff was targeted by a young man with a shoe early this month while addressing Kashmiri community in Luton. Home Minister P Chidambram and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, too have been the part of this humiliating shoe shower when they made public appearances.

Instead of shoe, Swami Agnivesh was slapped in Allahabad by a Sadhu for his comments on Shri. Amarnathji Cave Shrine, whereas a slipper was thrown at Arvind Kejriwal, Team Anna activist in October 2010, in Uttar Pradesh during an anti-graft campaign. And it all happened with Prashant Bhushan’s call for plebiscite in Kashmir.