US IT Pay: Premiums for IT skills Drop

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 16 February 2012, 01:20 IST   |    1 Comments
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The plunging demand for technical skills and the drop in respective pay premiums, according to Foote, signifies a change in the way IT leaders are presently structuring their IT organizations, and therefore, in the way they value various skills. Leaders in IT are not necessarily looking for hard-core technical skills—since they focus on innovation, and re-staff their IT departments, “Tech skills are third, fourth and fifth on their lists of desired skills,” says Foote.

Surprisingly, business skills occupy the first and second positions on their lists. In a survey that Foote conducted, IT leaders said they required professionals who could help their companies innovate, with knowledge of the industry, and customer awareness. They wanted people who could wear multiple hats and make the switch from one job to another. “They're looking for walking Swiss army knives,” said Foote.

But what prompted this change in preferences?