U.S. Based Walmart, Morgan Stanley Lobby Hard to Enter India

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 20 October 2011, 01:36 IST   |    4 Comments
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India is hesitant when it comes to the emergence of particular sectors as it may hamper the social and economic process in India. The FDI in retail is restricted as too much of brands in market will lead to overloading of goods hence the inflation will be the conclusion. The FDI in Indian defense is 26 percent. The liberalization in this sector is not encouraged because they don't want any other country to take over the arms and ammunition and keep defense in the foreign control and defense shows how powerful a country is.
Indians are very sensitive when it comes to the health and educational system. The government earns huge money from the educational rules imposed by them. There are many Non-Indian institutions in India but it seems to have hampered the Indian educational system. Liberalizing FDI for pharmaceutical sector can lead to the takeovers on drug industry India has been showing rapid economic growth and has been appeared to be one of the fastest growing economies in world. A swarm of companies from world over, including U.S. are requesting to get into the market for further business expansion. In spite of recession that hampered the growth of many companies, India and China have made remarkable growth. The World Bank guesstimates, the annual growth rate for the developing countries like India and china is at 7 percent in past 20 years which is triple times more than the countries like U.S. as their growth rate is 2 percent.