Turn Office Politics to Your Advantage

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 15 November 2011, 00:03 IST   |    30 Comments
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In a company, everyone knows that they can get their things done faster on when they know whom they should contact before the approver. This also can be termed as office politics. But actually it is the use of power and influence in the organization to get things done and maintain healthy atmosphere in the organization.
If there is a new CEO or a new Board of Director in your company, they will usually bring in their team or best assistants within the organization to get the things done faster. It also becomes a support foundation to them to turn the company to a new direction. In every organization, there will be some key people who are very important to that company strategy and without them the companies may not be able to sustain their business. Office politics can be a means towards outcomes which are corporate and benefit the company, not the individual.