Top 10 PlayStation 3 Games

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 15 November 2011, 23:24 IST   |    1 Comments
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3.Portal 2 The awesome Portal 2 PS3 game is created and published by Valve Corporation. The players in this game are a test subjects in the halls of Aperture Science and need to use a portal gun to solve crazy puzzles. You are sure to love the comedy, interesting twists, clever writing and robot characters in this game. Caste in multiplayer that could connect with PC players, and you can enjoy one hell of a game.
4.Borderlands Borderlands is a brilliant science fiction based on a first-person shooter with RPG elements. This innovative game is strange and addictive. The game is just too much fun to play through it. The upgrading and customizing of weapons is satisfying and enjoyable. Although the story of the game is not that great, the addictive nature of the game is more than made up for a dull narrative.