The Muslim Leaders That U.S. Killed

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 22 October 2011, 08:25 IST   |    78 Comments
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If it was bullets for Gaddafi, it was the gallows the U.S. prepared for the ironman of Iraq, Saddam Hussein. It took a little more than a few months for the invading American forces to topple Saddam's kingdom, which the Unites States had always viewed a threat to the stability of the region. The war that was started on as a hunt for weapons of mass destruction ended with the fall of Saddam's regime and his capture a few months later. After three years of trials for war crimes, he was hanged against his wish to be shot on 30 December 2006. Both his sons, Uday and Qusay were killed in a six-hour firefight. However, U.S. had to spell trillions of dollars and have to sacrifice the lives its thousands of soldiers. The Economist described Saddam as "one of the last of the 20th century's great dictators, but not the least in terms of egotism, or cruelty, or morbid will to power."