The Man Behind Rahul Gandhi

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 23 February 2012, 00:45 IST   |    24 Comments
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The Man Behind Rahul Gandhi
As Kanishka has an experience of working in the U.S. with investment bank Lazard Freres, he plans to implement some the best practices in his work. There are many members in the party that tend to mock at some of his practice but then it is very limited. Being with Gandhi 24/7 and working for him is not a easy task, it can take a toll anytime, he is playing a gamble, which would pay off amply if worked out well. The long working hours explains Singh's stubble and crumpled very well as he makes an appearance just behind Gandhi at a rally at southern UP. A bespectacled figure looking younger than his age is one who can be easily overlooked. Being polite all the time he speaks, "By the end of campaigning Rahul would have done 200 public meetings. That's one rally for every two assembly seats." You can find him busy looking into his spreadsheets and arranging people who can be available for the campaign. In one of the recent rallies, a Congress MP from UP approaches him to have Raj Babbar as a star speaker. Kanishka glares at the spread sheets in his Black Berry and assured Raj Babbar or Azharuddin to be one of the star speakers. With so much happening around, the younger son of diplomat Shailendra Kumar Singh who died in office as governor of Rajasthan in 2009 is left with no time for social life. But what probably drives him is the sheer feeling of being able to make a difference. In his article for Seminar Magazine called "Dreaming of India in 2010", he predicted that both the Congress and the BJP would renovate their elderly leaderships by 2010.