The Biggest Brand Failures

By siliconindia   |    1 Comments
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Ford Edsel
The Biggest Brand Failures
Dubbed as the 'Titanic of automobiles', Ford Edsel is one of the biggest branding mistakes of the company. The car was launched with a vast hype. The car did not appear in the showrooms but ads promoting it began months prior to with the teaser slogan 'The Edsel is Coming'. The company succeeded in creating a huge amount of hype but never thought that the product might fail to match the hype and would lead to consumer backlash. The company conducted several researches, but till the time of launch, many proved to be futile. Even the name 'Edsel' was disliked by several participants of the market research. And to the cake was the cherry. The name was not the only problem. Several members of the automotive press did not appreciate the design of the car. In the minds of the people, the car could not match the hype and the number of Edsel sold was much below the estimate of the management.