Texting Makes Adults Behave like Teenagers

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 16 December 2011, 00:44 IST
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Adults become so addicted to texting that their behavior pattern changes and they become like teenagers when they are messaging each other. The curiosity, anxiety, impatience and the brain activity level when they get a message is very similar to that of teenagers. This happens without their knowledge. At some of time texting turns them back into teenagers.

According to Dr Sherry Turkle, a Psychologist in the program in Science, Technology, and Society at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The form of texting is immediate. Many people, who texts a lot have the habit of checking their sms first and then prefer to check their e-mail or voice messages. It may sound very obvious, but the speed at which they access and give preferences is very interesting.

According to Bonnie Rochman, the habit of texting also has the capacity to turn the adults into social robots. This can be because; most of the people prefer to apologize through texting so that they don’t have to experience the awkwardness by asking apology personally. Asking apology through cell phone digital displays means that the critical social skills like making eye contact, learning empathy and being a good listener are under threat, reports the Time Healthland.