Ten Essential Skills Required for the Future Work Force

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 27 December 2011, 02:16 IST   |    1 Comments
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Computational world: This would be the era of thinking about the world in computational and programmable terms where “everything is programmable.” This would result in a demand in abilities, to make data based decisions and to use data to design for desired outcomes.

New media ecology: The new media technology would bring about a transformation in the way we communicate. It would enable new platforms for creating online identity while at the same time requiring people to engage in activities such as online personal reputation and identity. We must learn to approach content with more cynicism and the realization that what we see today may be different tomorrow.

Superstructed organizations:  As per the study to “superstruct” means to create structures that go beyond the basic forms and processes with which we are familiar with. It means to learn to use new social tools to work, to invent and to govern them.

Globally connected world: Globalization is the long-term trend toward greater exchanges and integration across geographic borders. Increased global interconnectivity has put diversity and adaptability at the centre of organizational operations. The key is not just to employ people in the locales but also to effectively integrate these local employees and local business processes into the infrastructure of global organizations in order to remain competitive.