Tech Events That Made 2011 Memorable

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 30 December 2011, 21:15 IST
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5. Sony hacked too… twice:  Sony was hacked twice this year with the first event leaving 70 million gamers in the lurch, and the second event making people question the credibility of its security system. Sony had to boost its PR by sending out a “welcome back” package to all its customers affected by the hack so that it could keep its customers with it. 

6.  Speaking of Hacks…: Hacker collectives Anonymous and LulSec took center stage this year with the attacks they raged on websites that ranged from belonging to the CIA and US defense contractors to child pornography and MasterCard and gaming websites. Moreover, they played pranks, defacing various other websites and are still wanted by Interpol and cybercrime authorities all over the world.