Selective Abortion on the Rise among Indians in North America

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 07 February 2012, 00:48 IST   |    13 Comments
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A working paper for the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research in 2009 revealed that the sex ratio for first births among Indians in the U.S. was close to the norm of 105 boys for every 100 girls. But the ratio got increasingly tilted for subsequent births if the previous children were girls. In cases where in the first two children were girls, the sex ratio for a third birth among Indians was found to be nearly 190 boys for 100 girls.

As per a research in Canada, the strongest evidence of sex selection at higher parities was noted, among Asians, including people from India, China, Korea, Vietnam and Philippines. It means that many couples who had two daughters and no son selectively got rid of female fetuses until they could ensure that their third-born child would be a boy.