Sedition Rules at the Death of Free Speech

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 17 October 2011, 15:15 IST   |    2 Comments
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As John Stuart Mill, in his famous work "On Liberty" says, the only justification for silencing a person against his will is to prevent him from causing harm to others. According to India's sedition law section 124A of the Penal Code, any words either spoken or written, or any signs or visible representation that can cause "hatred or contempt, or excites is prohibited. However, in the Kedarnath Singh versus State of Bihar dispute, the Supreme Court had clarified that the sedition charge could be applied only if the accused incited violence by their speech or action.
Sedition Rules
But does this practice of slapping the anarchic law of sedition that can fetch them a maximum penalty of life imprisonment for speaking their minds, go in line with our democratic principles? Aren't so many others in Jammu and Kashmir saying as much?