Rich Nations Shy From Commitment at Rio Earth Summit

"Both were Indian proposals and received strong support from G77 countries, including those from Africa, the least developed countries and small island-states. We now keen to collectively ensure these mechanisms are operationalised and delivered effectively for developing countries."

At the Summit, India also sought to point out the dichotomy between the environmental concerns of the rich countries and those of the poor and developing economies, particularly since the latter were being asked to reverse the consequences of what had been done earlier by the developed world.

"The rich countries grew, developed and polluted the world. Consequently, when the environment movements came, they had the money to clean up. Our nascent growth and economy start our growth trajectory with the problems of a polluted world," Natarajan told the summit.

But that does not mean India was seeking to shirk its role.

"India has already taken several steps to promote green growth in the context of sustainable development, including plans for emissions intensity reduction by 20-25 percent by 2020 over 2005," Natarajan said.

She said India also is on the path to add 20,000 megawatt of solar energy and will act decisively on the Prime Minister's National Missions for enhanced energy efficiency and sustainable habitat.

Manmohan Singh, who arrived earlier Wednesday, is scheduled to address Thursday the key event, which also marks the 20th anniversary (hence Rio+20) of the first such gathering of world leaders in Brazil's largest city that first emphasized the concept of sustainable development.

Source: IANS