Republic Day Celebrations Across the Globe

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 26 January 2012, 01:52 IST   |    1 Comments
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New Jersey

The Indian organizations in New Jersey will celebrate republic day on 28 January at Royal Albert’s Palace in Fords. School students will be engaged in various theme related activities which will be based on the constitution, federal structure and history of the country. The celebrations will commence from 11 in the morning and will be of 4 hours duration. Important community leaders who have roots in Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu have been invited to be a part of Republic day celebration.


NRI’s of Dubai will celebrate republic day on January 26th at the Indian High school grounds. The function will commence from 9am with the hoisting of the flag by Sanjay Verma, Counsul-General. Flag hoisting will be followed by a march past and cultural programmes by students of Indian high school. Members of Indian community have been invited by the Indian missions to be a part of the celebrations.