Political Parties and Their Stand on Jan Lokpal Bill

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 23 August 2011, 02:55 IST   |    55 Comments
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Congress opposes the Jan Lokpal
The ruling Congress party has always been in denial mode over the proposed Jan Lokpal Bill and its possible potential to tackle the big-ticket corruption in India. After the long rivalry and aversion towards the uprising of the movement under Anna, Congress has softened it stand on the issue and has reportedly come forward for negotiations. The Congress party has extended its full support to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as he demanded a "reasoned debate" on the Lokpal Bill and that there is a "lot of scope for give and take" on the issue. However, Anna Hazare has taken a hard stand on the issue on his fifth day of fasting and said, "The Government has to either pass the Jan Lokpal Bill or go." Meanwhile, many Congress leaders have strongly lashed out at Anna Hazare and his campaign calling him a conjuror and a puppet of RSS.