People Who Hate Republic Day

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 26 January 2012, 01:25 IST   |    2 Comments
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 People Who Hate Republic Day
Seven Militant groups in North East region have instructed the people to boycott the Republic Day celebrations. The militant have also called upon the people to observe general shut down from 1 am to 5.30 pm on January 26. The localities are asked not to perform any kind of commercial activities during the day, but emergency services, essential services, media and religious activities have been excused from the strike. A statement has been released which says that people in North India does not belong to India, so they have no reasons to participate in the celebrations. It also added, "We have every right and reason to fight against and overthrow the Indian colonial regime to regain our lost sovereignty and independence," the statement added. With the issued statement, it has become clear that Manipur based militant group has joined hands to form a coordination committee and efforts are also on by the militant groups of the North East to come into a common platform. In the joint statement, the militant groups also made it clear that united struggle is the key to their success. They further said that they would unite to overthrow the Indian colonial rule. Security arrangements across Assam are under check to avoid possible attack by the anti-talk faction of the banned United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) led by Paresh Baruah which has called for a boycott of Republic Day celebrations on Jan 26. The border outposts of Assam Police have been asked to step up guard.