Patni, the Breeder of Indian Innovators, Taking its Last Breath

The Trouble in the Name

Though iGATE has forever benefited from the Patni acquisition, it has always been irresolute about keeping Patni, a family name as an attachment. iGATE has always been contemptuous about its market value dropping incase another company with the same family name comes up. The expectation is not fictitious as there are no restrictions against using the name Patni. Narendra Patni already has an unlisted firm called Patni Technologies and there have been talks about Apoorva Patni being eager on pursuing the software business.   

"I have always articulated that Patni, being a family name, is difficult to protect in several of our markets. This brand change is in line with our vision of 'one company' that will follow the successful delisting offer process of Patni with the Indian stock exchanges," said Phaneesh Murthy, CEO of iGATE Corp.

What made Patni to be one of the biggest names in Indian IT?