No Indian University In The Top 200 Global List

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 10 October 2011, 23:39 IST   |    2 Comments
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The universities were ranked on standards such as the quality of learning environment as well as the volume and influence of the research produced. The survey also stated that the education system still lags behind despite India's speedy economic growth. Though institutes related to higher education are swirling out a growing number of university graduates, these institutes are unable to generate eligible candidates fit for employment, with companies often struggling to find suitable recruits.
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According to PTI Infosys Co-Founder Narayana Murthy had recently stated that the quality of education even in the illustrious IITs is actually getting worse. Part of the problem is the admission criteria, which Murthy said is not strict enough. As a result, "the quality of students entering IITs has gone lower and lower," Murthy said to a gathering of IIT alumni in New York. "They somehow get through the joint entrance examination. But their performance in IITs, at jobs or when they come for higher education in institutes in the U.S. is not as good as it used to be," he added.