Most Romantic Couples of Bollywood

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 11 February 2012, 01:32 IST   |    1 Comments
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grown stronger and happier even after forty years of marriage.

Rishi Kapoor and Neetu

Their love story reads like fairy tale Neetu was just a 14 year teenager, innocent and pretty, when she met the rich, glamorous prince. They met at work, became friends and then lovers. Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Singh fell in love while shooting the film ‘Kabhi Kabhi’, now even after 30 years of marriage they are still going strong and still have the same amount of spark together that they had when they embarked on their relationship. From Ek main aur ek tu to Do Dooni Chaar, Rishi and Neetu Kapoor have only prospered in romance.

Shahruhk and Gauri

The King Khan of Bollywood apart from his reel life also has a real life romantic story which has inspired millions for years.  Shahrukh Khan and Gauri have been married for the last 19 years but with every passing day, King Khan’s love for his better-half multiplies. The couple has managed to keep their charm and affection intact towards each other.  Gauri proved to be the devoted, understanding better half despite a number of baseless rumours about SRK's reported closeness to some of his leading ladies.